clutch rod help??

You can either set the entire quad/engine over onto the right side and "pour" the rod and ball out or remove the clutch actuator "paddle" and use compressed air to blow the rod and ball out.

If the ball is welded to the inside rod and had mushroomed bad enough, it may require some force to remove. Worst case scenario, it requires splitting the cases and driving the assembly out with a pin punch.
Thanks.. Now second question How do i adjust the clutch?? I just cant seem to figure it out..
Go to the General Support section of the forum and download the yamaha service manual. It covers every part of the clutch assembly process in great detail.

There are a few "pitfalls" to be aware of. Make sure there are 7 fibers and 6 steels starting with a fiber on the inside and alternating ending with a fiber on the outside. If you're running the wavy washer, make sure it's inside of the correct fiber. When you get ready to put the pressure plate on, make sure that the dot on it is aligned with the dot on the inner clutch hub. When you get the actuator paddle arrow pointed at the dot in the case, hold it there and tighten the outer rod with a small phillips head screwdriver. Once it's in place, HOLD the screw with the phillips while you tighten with the wrench.
I did all of that and the rod just pushes out a little. after i get the nut tight.
does not separate clutch pads at all. dont know if im explaining right
I did all of that and the rod just pushes out a little. after i get the nut tight.
does not separate clutch pads at all. dont know if im explaining right

Sounds like you may be missing the ball bearing, Is your cable adjusted correctly, or frozen or sticking due to a kink?
I got the first clutch rod out how do i get ball and second rod out.

Another method that may work for you, if the ball isn't mushroomed, Is a wire coat hanger and a magnet, has worked for me.

Stick hanger in hole put magnet on hanger pull out ball and rod slowly.