a new filter, and cleaning your carb isnt doing any good, if ya dont clean inside the intake tube, i took a foot long peice of electricians snake, the real stiff flat wire we use to shove into conduit and pull wire, ty-rapped about a 10 inch square of rag to the end, sprayed some good 'ol spic n span into the tube and on the rag,
stuck the other end in my drill and slowly spun it
while "thrusting it in and out" <<<(he he he),
(make sure your using a variable speed drill or better yet a battery drill on slow, cause if you spin it too fast it will come back and beat the sh*t outta you), then repeat with a new peice of dry rag, and you wouldnt belieive the dirt it came out with, this was dirt that the pressure washer didnt get, while i had it all apart for my rebuild,this dirt would have gone into carb and my nice new motor, when it gets back and installed
if your doing this with your bike together, i'd unhook the tube from the carb, maybe put a baggie or sumthin over the carb intake, so you dont get anything in there, and blow the intake out with your compressor or shop vac when done
stuck the other end in my drill and slowly spun it
while "thrusting it in and out" <<<(he he he),
(make sure your using a variable speed drill or better yet a battery drill on slow, cause if you spin it too fast it will come back and beat the sh*t outta you), then repeat with a new peice of dry rag, and you wouldnt belieive the dirt it came out with, this was dirt that the pressure washer didnt get, while i had it all apart for my rebuild,this dirt would have gone into carb and my nice new motor, when it gets back and installed
if your doing this with your bike together, i'd unhook the tube from the carb, maybe put a baggie or sumthin over the carb intake, so you dont get anything in there, and blow the intake out with your compressor or shop vac when done
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