The bike has me in a fit! I got it running, but it idles very high like it is sucking air. It will idle down sometimes but when it does it tries to die. When you give it throttle, it wants to bog. I can't find a leak anywhere. I took the TORS off of my bike and put it on this one when I did the delete on mine, so I know it's good, the venturi and slide are clean so the slide is not hanging on anything, the needle is on the second from the top notch, cleaned the thumb throttle assembly, cleaned the carb, removed the head pipe to make sure it is clean inside, checked the reeds which are basically new, the air screw is all the way in. The bike has an FMF PowerCore pipe and silencer, UNI filter, and I believe everything else is stock. Not sure what size jets are in the carb. Could this be a jetting problem? Could it be the carb needs to be rebuilt? If it's the jets, based on the mods, what size jets do I need? Someone please help me!!!!!