check out what i found blaster cr500

does any on know of some one doing a swap with a motor like this. they call it a Polonda its a trx 250R bottom end with a polaris 400 jug. i thinks this would be a good swap since u then would have a counter balancer un like the cr 500 motor.
i hade the chance to buy one like 8 mons ago for about 500$ people say these are a bad set up. it would have made a good swap. only if polaris hade no part in it.
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lol ive heard of it before and yes they are fast as hell i guess, ivee also heard of ppl moding the 500 cylinder for ther trx and that would be sweet. but y do that when u cna buy a powervalve sabertooth 500 kit for about the same as what itll cost to do that
at least a swaps with a trx bottom with a cr 500head or what ever on it would be a good way to get rid of vibration and get power out of it. if some one was ganna do a cr 500 swap. or just gowith a motor with a counter ballancer. also i bet theres ways to get down vibration a little bit.
ive seen ppl adding counter balencers onto there fly wheel it seems to work prety good and on top of that more rotational mass for down low power hehe i dont think u will need ne more on the top with a cr 500