Chain Spins Wheels Dont Move


New Member
Jul 28, 2010
Can you please point me in the right direction. My rear sprocket just spins and the wheels do not engage. I have tightened both rear axle nuts. This occurred after my sons friend was riding and revving the snot out of it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
you need to pin point the location where it spots spinning.
there are three places between the sprocket and tire.
the places are where sprocket hub and axle meet, where axle and wheel hubs meet, and where rims and tire meet.
does the axle spin? no spin means you need a new sprocket hub and/or axle, the spindles are gone between the two
does the rims spin? if not, but axle spins, you will need new wheel hubs and/or axle, the spindles are gone
if rims spins, you need to make sure the tire is beaded to the rim, it might have broken and needs.
more than likely a stripped sprocket hub, easy fix and surely someone on here has one for ya
Thanks to all that have replied. To confirm it's the sprocket hub, what can I do to the blaster to isolate the hub? Sorry if this is simple but I am new to the blaster and the sport. Thanks again!
do this.
jack rear end up
first start it up.
put into gear and let clutch out.
then answer the following questions
1) does the sprocket hub spin?
2) does the axle spin?
3) does the rim spin?

then come back.
Good try shee, the problem with that is that things that slip under load might work ok with it jacked up off the ground.

Reed, have someone else try to ride it and, like Phraple said, look for where the junction is between what moves and what doesn't. Power transfers through parts in this order> chain, sprocket, sprocket hub, axle, wheel hubs, wheels/tires. If you see slipping at the junction between the sprocket hub and the axle, then as others have suggested, there is a problem with the splines between the two. This is the most likely simply because one of the weakest points. Aluminum hub on a steel axle. Missing/damaged teeth on the sprocket is also highly likely.

Remove the chain from the sprocket, remove the two large axle nuts, and slide the hub off to visually inspect. Note, I didn't mention removing the wheel hubs or wheels because to inspect it you just need to move it over, but to replace do this as well.
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