carb ?'s


New Member
Nov 29, 2008
ok guys i gotta few ?s about my blaster im building for my girl its gonna be a 240 big bore bored to 73mm with full fmf pipe a uni filter and boyseen reeds my problem is funds are tight now and i have got to get this thing runnning for her to ride and get her off my back so for now i have to run the stock carb but when the wallet grows some im going to get a bigger carb so heres the ?s
1. what size jets should i start with main and piolet in the stock carb i know someone has some kinda experience with this and i dont wana run lean
2. when i go to get a bigger carb what size carb should i get ive heard that u can get a 250r carb and that should be good to go and what kind jetting should i use on this carb to start with
a stock carb is quite small for a BB setup, but if ya have to u should be up around a 350 main and 35.5 pilot mabe

the 250r carb is a 34mm pj....that would be a better carb to have......a main at 150 and a pilot around 48 or 50.....those are just round about starting numbers u could go either way with them
i didnt i bought the kit from a friend that had allready bored it before thanks for the help just got the parts today hope to have it together by weekend but have several bikes ahead of it so time is tight