carb question

AT Blaster

New Member
Mar 8, 2009
I recently purchased a 2000 blaster 200cc. When I bought it it wouldn't kick over. I brought it home and had a guy pull my carb, disassemble it and clean it..... It was filthy! When he put it back together he forgot to put back a small white plastic piece and what looks like an overflow tube..... Could anyone tell me what this might be and if it will affect the way the bike runs? I can post a pic if that would help....

Any advise would be helpful..... Thank you in advance!!!
Can anyone give me an idea as to what this part does and if it will hurt to run my quad w/o it..... I know it belongs to the carb but not sure where. I am not carb literate and the guy who cleaned it for me forgot to put it back in.

If I have to have it I can take the carb back to him, I just wanna get out and ride ASAP!
that lil white plastic peice goes on before the main jet. u have to take float bowl off then u will see a jet in center of bottom of carb. will have a hole in the center with hex outside. un screw it, place plastic peice on re assemble. on a lighter note i dont have mine in my carb and i have no idea what it is for but i runs fine without it.....and that hose mounts on one of the little nipples on side of carb. should be one on both sides of carb
the plastic peice is to keep fuel from foaming... not a big deal...most carbs dont have this anyway, and if u are mixing gas shouldnt foam much anyway. if this is helpful give me some rep points...
Can't stop, wont stop...... Charlie make the booty drop!

Thank you for your advise! Rep points you get!!!! I will not return it to the carb.... Guess it just needs adjusting!
Lol..... That is a part of a chorus from a song by Hollywood Undead. Your tag below your picture made me think about it!

So I have done everything I could think of without actually going as far as to rebuild the carb its self and it still isn't running right! When it is cold it idles fine but as soon as it warms up the engine races and nothing you do will slow it down....

My conclusion is that it is getting to much air causing it to run way to lean. I have checked everything but the guts of the carb so my assumption is that it is the little rubber plunger inside the carb and that it must have a crack in it causing it to pull air! Is there anything else I could be missing before I tear the carb down and rebuild it?
just tweak your idle screw and check to see if the throttle sticks open, also remove your TORS via the DIY section :-D mine did the same thing you gotta let it warm up a bit then when it idles really fast shut it off and turn the air screw on the carb ( usually on the left side, use a FLAT head)