Cant get smooth acceleration.


New Member
Oct 12, 2011
so like the title says.. the bike is choppy and not smooth when accelerating.. typically from 3/4 to full throttle.. at wot it feels like the bike cuts in and out and never goes into the powerband... in other words it dosnt rev up. took the air box off and its the same but back fires more. i just want it to be smooth like the day i bought it

i used to mix 32:1 but now im on 40:1 & i havent changed the jeting.

plugs wet

what can this be..

i got brand new reeds and air filter..

the bike starts but only when i give it a bit of gas.

Start with fresh premium gas mixed @ 32:1....since that's what you changed ;) and put the airbox lid back on before you burn up your piston. More air flow means you need more fuel flow. You get more fuel flow by installing a bigger main jet. More airflow without more fuel flow gets you a lighter wallet and no quad to ride until the motor is fixed.

Might as well throw a fresh plug in, clean the carb, clean & oil your filter, disconect your TORS, and disable your parking break.

Good luck!
tors is off and the only reason i switched premix was because the plug would end up black with oil on it.. 32:1 is alot of oil 20 ounces of oil for 5 gals.. dam thing would b smokein all over the place.. she still smokes alot.. white too
yup. most likely bad trans side crank seal. once you take care of that you should be good to go.

do not ride it until you get it fixed. you could do serious damage to the top end
And just to rant...why are you complaining about a 2-stroke smoking, ITS SUPPOSED TO SMOKE! :)

and 32:1 is nothing. i ran 20:1 in my suzuki, 1 quart of oil to 5 gals of gas
ok ill give this a shot.. u guys know if there are any vids out there on how to do this diy
Ride no more before you replace the crank seals..

No need to do a leak down test until you have replaced the seals, if it is shedding white smelly smoke, thats a gear side crank seal problem.

Replace them both, now, it is not a big job and there is no need to split the cases. :)

32:1 is the go. I have been using 25:1 with castor oil for a long time now to increase compression, with no fouling problems.
I agree with the crank seal. Replace both sides to be safe. Don't ride it like that or you will be doing a top end rebuild. You should of checked the jetting when you changed the oil ratio. If your un educated and/or lazy when it comes to taking care of a 2 stroke motor, it will bite you in the wallet quick.
If one has gone bad, how far behind do you think the other is?? Play it safe and do both. Other than you need a Blaster/Banshee flywheel puller to do it.

Peace of mind:priceless. Why did it take a month to get back??
so i replaced the clutch side seal today. I had a hard time puting the seal back in and it seems as if its sticking out more on one side than the other.

i took it out for a spin and its still smokein up bad and has no power. idk what i did wrong here.

the install went smoothly, the only bump was actuly puting in the seal. which kinda went un even.. mabe this is y its still smokeing? or does that not matter.. seems like it made a nice seal though? i dont know
do a leakdown test to verify the repair.

if the seal is cockeyed, it's probably not sealed up properly.

how long did you run it? If it was leaking really badly before then It may take a little bit to get all of the oil out of the crankcase.

did you change the plug too? it could be oil fouled