
Larry's Shee

Active Member
May 23, 2009
Ortskaville, MI
Saw an 02 Cannondale on CL with blown motor fairly cheep. Would it be a reasonable starting point for a Hybred or would it be a pain if it ever needed brakes or bearings ,etc ,because it's not a real popular quad? Don't even know what I'd put in it other than two stroke.
it will be costly.
you are going to have to worry about lining up the sprocket, making motor mounts and making a pipe work.
but it will have great suspension, be light, but might not have the power the 440s make.
Ain't nothing cheep. Don't even know what I'd use for power. Smallest I'd use would be 250cc . Got to dig around a little to see what parts are available for it first. X-2 on the handeling , thats why the idea came to me. Seen all the hybrids on here.
Snatch that up!!

They make nice hybrids.... like this one for example.


Different graphics and mounts....

if you do it, use a motor that is newer. i wouldn't suggest a 500cc engine like the CR500 RM500 KX500 or LT500. although they would be bad ass, the LT would be the best fit for a quad, but hard to find parts for. try looking for a KTM powerplant.