came down with the sickness


New Member
Apr 28, 2009
well i cant resist i came down with the sickness.
on sunday getting a P&P from Kennedy Power
probably buying some banshee shocks and rear axle from a peep on PSJ
after that who knows?
lol these tires were the ones that were on it when i bought the blaster

Ya i got the same tires on mine. Were on it when i got it. Their like Cheng-shin or some sh*t. I dont like em. But they do hella good in the mud and have lasted forever on the pavement. Ya get rid of the red! Some nice seat covers on e-gay too pretty cheap.
UPDATE: just got back from michigain got a Trail Port from Angus Kennedy. check the rest come to the best.
dont have any pics of the cylinder forgot to bring a camera but it looks beautiful
next on the list a new Carb
lol they are sitting in the camera. its only a couple pics of the teardown really. but ill post them later its not much to look at
since Blasterdude27 whined to me about pics last night here they are


this is a picture of the welded hubs thanks to the idiot who owned it before me

i dont have any picutures of my port and dont feel like taking the head off. but when i got to put on my new carb ill snap a pic of the intake
also thats my big ugly self working on it