buying bikes without title

If the powdercoater knew what he was doing then yes you would still see the vin. The vin is stamped in the frame so there is no possible way for the vin to get knocked off.
My 250r was deffinetly stolen in its 24 years of existence. No doubt about it not a vin all over the god damn thing, I could care less though because eventually I'll have the money to buy a titled frame and have it powdercoated. Even if I don't I still could give a poop because where I ride, unless an ambulance is called, you don't get stopped, or have your vins run.
Okay I did called him again and I recorded the call and got him to say it was stolen and I called the police I did the right thing and I filed a report,this guy is gonna pay thats what the cop said to me and my dad. he said I did the right thing

You did a good thing, you definately deserve some rep manI:I
Have some more rep, bro. Someone out there probably loved that bike as much as we all love ours and some ahole stole it from him. And now he's gonna get his ride back cuz you did the right thing. Props.
Yea man Mad props for doing the right thing ! Like everyone else said that could have been somones baby. Im sure Karma will do you right. Best of luck to you.
Yes i relized that if that was my bike I would have bin pissed, I relized something good will happen to me one day.............uhh I just got offerd a 07 yz85 for my 05crf50 I wonder ahhaha