buying bikes without title


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
well im possibly buying this bike that I have a feeling is stolen because its so cheap for the year and its mint and he said no i dont have title and no paper work, If i buy it then get a frame with a title in ny state can it be registerd the bike in my name or no
its a kx100 and I live in a nice area but this is in a sketty neiborhood but we are talking 06 kx100 for 600$ thats mint u see thats y i really kinda wanna do this
Get the vin from him and stop a local police officer. I did this for my past YFZ. they shouldnt have a problem helping you alot of cops will be cool enough to help you out. Then if its good im sure there is a program in the DMV that you can go to retitle the bike.
Get the vin from him and stop a local police officer. I did this for my past YFZ. they shouldnt have a problem helping you alot of cops will be cool enough to help you out. Then if its good im sure there is a program in the DMV that you can go to retitle the bike.

that would be the best thing to do....if he wont give you the vin or is ground off....stay away from it
he finnally came foward on the phone that its stolen and i said to him okay what if I was a cop hes like well I didnt steal the bike I bought it stolen so idk what to do 600$ for a sick 06 kx100 Im really feelin this bike ahahah its tempting
think about it this way....what if it was YOUR bike that got stolen? would you want it slipping away and retitled with a different frame by someone else?
phone the cops ,assholes like this should be made to suffer, that could have been someones pride and joy that they worked hard for then for it to be stolen.
I have bought bikes without titles... I mean one that new without a title is probably stolen. My blaster and 250R do not have titles. I figured someone got my stolen ones for cheap, if the ones I bought were stolen.
There is a thing like karma or like we in south africa call it " a wheel keeps on turning, you might buy a bargain today but it WILL came back and bit you in the ass same day" Don't do it!!
If the kid told you it was stolen then I would def stay away from it. Id prob turn him in. There might be a reward or something for it...Who knows?
Yea I would defiantly turn it in to the poilice. Now way consider buying it if he outright tells you its stolen. I didnt get a title with my 96 blaster but I did get a proper bill of sale. I also took the time to call there local police department and they ran the vin for me and it came back clear. The last bike i had with a title was my CM400 and the only reason was i need'd plates to be legal.
Stay away from it, mine didn't come with a title and i can't find a VIN the guy claimed to have owned it since new & had a family and i was dumb at the time so i bought it but i kinda wished i didn't now, i cant trace it or anything if it gets stolen from me.
Stay away from it, mine didn't come with a title and i can't find a VIN the guy claimed to have owned it since new & had a family and i was dumb at the time so i bought it but i kinda wished i didn't now, i cant trace it or anything if it gets stolen from me.

No Vin ? Is it scratched off or Can u just not find it? i think mine is in the middle of the frame on the left side. below the shifter.

Im curious when you powdercoat a frame would the vin still show?
Listen to bagobones and everyone else. If it is in fact stolen and your caught with it, it'll be your ass that gets charged with possession of stolen property. I'd definately turn him in.
if you end up getting it you could buy a frame off ebay with a title and transfer it into your name. i traded for a rm250 a little wile back and i did it at night and the next day i was lookin it over and the vin was scratched off. so i ended up getting a frame off ebay with a clean out of state title and transferred it into my name.