I really would not consider it a modded blaster.
Unless it has some head or port work.
Its common for any engine after years of use to need a top end rebuild and .020 is really just fine and normal.
Its more a question of when the crank seals were replaced and hows the compression.
After market parts, like a pipe and silencer, to me are not real big mods, but more common mods. And having better brakes is a plus on the older blaster.
Its nice to see some skids plates on it !
Looks good to me, at $800, as long as you got good compression and the crank seals are not 5 years old.
For me the price starts dropping, if the compression is on the low end and the seals have not been changed in 5 years or more. because they should be done !.
If its got low or weak compression, well then you start to realize you gonna need a top end rebuild.