Brake question

yamaha blaster

New Member
Jun 15, 2008
Okay I am sick of my front brakes the first time I hit water that goes over the tire they are done. They become very loose like if before I hit the hole lets say I have to pull the lever back to half and it locks the brakes then after the hole I can't even lock them up. The pads are perfect and I even cleaned up the drums. After a hard day of riding they still don't tighten up what can I do to fix that. Or how much would it cost and what would I have to modify to get a set of disk brakes on it jsut the fronts. I know I would have to get new bars so the brake fluid would have a place to sit and I would have to get new cables and diskes with calipers but what else am I forgetting about. The bars I don't care I am just going to get stock that aren't bent to bad because my bars are pretty bad. I would like to do it through ebay becuase I just check how much it would cost to do it through my local shop and its way to expensive.
Drum brakes right?? Well they tend to make a sound after you hit water but dont stop working, did you adjust em?? clean em up again with brake cleaner and see what happens, And the hydro fronts would run you some big bucks, specially if they are new and oem 03+. Look around on ebay and there are a few how to's on the internet on how to use another hydro setup for a blaster and how to install em.
you wouldnt need new bars.. just put the master cylinder on your bars..
you would need the lever w/master, brakes lines, spindles, hubs, caliper, dust guards i think thats all you would need..
i see the front coversions from a 03+ blaster or banshee setups for around 3 - 4 hundred,
did you just put the new pads on??? they take a couple days to wear in then they'll work better, but mine still chatter and sometimes one will lock up and almost crash me after hitting big water, i did go with the "tusk' carbon ones they seem to be better then the stock type