brake in process bull crap ?

pvt. blaster

New Member
Mar 18, 2010
i was at a yamaha shop geting my cylinder bord out to 40 and new piston kit ask them how to brake it in and he told that was a bunch of bull sh*t. he told me he will get his sh*t bord out then go right to a race.what do you guys think of that
yes and no........ RACE only 2 stroke bikes are normally heat cycled only, since amx bike is rebuilt many times during the season to keep the motor 'fresh to keep the power where it should be to be competitive, they wil heat cycle, and go right to the track.. get 15-20 hours on a top end and put in a new one

the break in cycle is to help everything seat, set up right for longer life from the motor
thanks but that was just an example he dont brake it in at all. i under stand the piont to
to brake in you quad and can you get a way with out brake it in for long term use. is it just a precaution?
heres the thing, when guys are out racing a bike that they rebuild multiple times a year they dont care about how long that engine is going to last. they need it to last for a few races then they tear it down and rebuild it.

if you want your engine to last then a proper break in process is needed.