bogs past 1/4 throttle

Ok, thought I'd have to go bigger once I saw the 230 jet in it, might take apart the spare carb and see what's in that, but where's the best place to buy jet kits?

Edit: nvm on where to get jets from, just picked up some from the local race shop 240-280s. Gonna throw a 260 later on today
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If you have a #280 start there, start big and plug chop back.

Good move on not getting a kit, you seldom get any jets you can use.
i got the 260 in now and around the yard there is a big difference already, no bog when hammering it into 3rd, but thats as much as i can go before slamming on the brakes, this weekend will be the test. And yes i have a 280 now and if it bogs a lil big yet at all im throwing in the 270 and goin from there