

New Member
Jan 18, 2009
alright so my blaster wouldnt run turned out there was water in the carb but i fixed that. now it will idle all day but as soon as u touch the throttle it boggs im at a loss here
having the parking break on on the 03+ models will limit the revs (switch could be stuck making it think its on as well). Its one of them so called safety features.
try a new plug. might not be it but a not so wel known fact is that if your plug has fouled on you once and you clean it, it will definately foul again. plugs are cheap try a new one

wtf is tht supposed to mean in route? and i highly doubt tht seeing as i payed you like 8 months ago then u disapeared for about 6 months your just a f**cking scammer did u realy think i would belive that sh*t. and it aint even about the pipe as you can see i have an fmf now. i just f**cking hate ppl like you was the 20 bux really worth your rep i hope you got real high of it and i hope your parrents know ur a loser. and to everyone else on here dont deal with this dude he will ripp you off dont even help him fix his quad hes a loser and should be banned from this site
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ive gave you plenty of chances to man up and i would delete all the threads and posts about you and that offer still stands. be a man dude your 2 years older than me and im twice the man you will ever be