bogging down.


New Member
Jul 14, 2009
my poor blasty is bogging down in high revs when there it load on the engine. i am thinking an air leak but i cant seem to find any :/ where are the most common air leak places?
do a leak down test, then spray soapy water where you think it might be leaking, you will see it bubble.
If no bubbles apparent on the out side and it leaks, crankcase or seals could be leaking.

Yip, do a leak down test.
Check your carb to make sure your air screw is still in, if oil injection is removed make sure all the hoses that were cut or removed are plugged and or siliconed good. Also check both boots connecting the carb to your reeds, and your intake/air filter to the carb. As said above also check both crank seals, especially the one behind your left side/fly wheel case and check for oil. Good Luck !