As much as 99lrd can get to some of us on heres nerves, me included, I dont want to see him leave. None the less, he is very knowledgable and knows his sh*t. I would like to see all the arguing cease, which is what started all this bs in the first place. I am pretty sure there is nothing in the rules keeping someone from ging to another site and saying this person can suck a fat nut. But on the other hand, I beleive that 99lrd handled this all wrong. There would be no 2nd warning if you hadnt been on aother forum causing even more trouble. I agree with the whole other website stuff though. What happens if you went to a youtube page of an admins friend and said something they didnt like and the admin saw it was you. Would they be able to ban you or warn you about this, hell no. But if the derogatory post had never happened, then nothing would have came of it. I would like to see 99lrd and blasterfreek both take the blame and move on with this forum. I will not take sides just because I dislike 99lrd and think blasterfreek is the top dog.