Blasterfreek........I've got a question for you

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As much as 99lrd can get to some of us on heres nerves, me included, I dont want to see him leave. None the less, he is very knowledgable and knows his sh*t. I would like to see all the arguing cease, which is what started all this bs in the first place. I am pretty sure there is nothing in the rules keeping someone from ging to another site and saying this person can suck a fat nut. But on the other hand, I beleive that 99lrd handled this all wrong. There would be no 2nd warning if you hadnt been on aother forum causing even more trouble. I agree with the whole other website stuff though. What happens if you went to a youtube page of an admins friend and said something they didnt like and the admin saw it was you. Would they be able to ban you or warn you about this, hell no. But if the derogatory post had never happened, then nothing would have came of it. I would like to see 99lrd and blasterfreek both take the blame and move on with this forum. I will not take sides just because I dislike 99lrd and think blasterfreek is the top dog.
I do have to side with LRD on this one... if the true reason was for insulting someone on another website, that's a little absurd...
lol.... 99 is 99% of the drama on this site, and he usually is not the one who starts it...

but I can see where this thread is going....
i can honestly say that he pisses me off at times and i mite have not handeled the situation the best.But theres no reasson for the incorrect statement made by blasterfreek
All I can say is VVVVVVV

I am not taking sides here but at this point we need to all just take a step back and see what happened. If we post something about a member somewhere else and can be "warned" about it then we would all be in some trouble between Facebook and other forums.
At this point what would happen if we all took a stroll over to Slick's contest page and read some of what everyone wrote? Maybe we are just talking out our asses and not getting the point of his contest?

"I will be repectful to members even when" they dont use common sense
"I will be repectful to members even when"- they dont use ANY common sence
"I will be repectful to members even when"- nothing but poop comes out their mouths
"I will be repectful to members even when" they act like a bunch of rageing monkeys fighting over a banana
"I will be repectful to members even when"- someone does not respect me
"I will be repectful to members even when"-something goes wrong, i'm in a pissy mood, and my nerves are acting up!!!
"I will be repectful to members even when" they act like a bunch of sqwealing pigs in a pig pen
"I will be repectful to members even when" they get mad over something pointless
"I will be repectful to members even when"- they aren't RESPECTFUL to me!
"I will be repectful to members even when"- they dont know when to shut their gosh darn trap
Jesus this stuff has to go mang. The only thing the man is guilty of, and freeks a MAN is sticking up for his friends.
Is this an F'n debate forum for lawyers and politicians to practice on or is it a forum about an entry level 2 stroke quad?
This isn't a have it your way burger king. You will not get over on a technicality, you can't write your congressmen, this is the internet.
Take it to PM's thread closed.
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