88 has always seemed like a great member, ik you are mad about this, i would be too, but i think before any harsh action are taken we should try to get his input and get it straightened out
88 has always seemed like a great member, ik you are mad about this, i would be too, but i think before any harsh action are taken we should try to get his input and get it straightened out
i can text him quick, i texted him about every week wonderin if he shipped out the brakes yet.. ill txt him quick, BBB, pm me if you wanna know whats up with him
no workin for me! and BBB let me think for a while, ill try and remember hsi moms last name cause her last name is in the pp info, let me look it up, i keep track of my pp infos
i dont think stalking him on white pages is gonna do anything lol, he hasnt texted back yet but usually he responds, and hes 15, give me til tomorrow to get him to awnser otherwise call in swat lol