Blaster Wont Start

Ducked out of work early and did some work on the Blaster. Found and seperated the b/w and blk wire and had spark. Dumped some gas in, kicked it 3 times and it started. Man am I happy now. It seems to idle fine, was a little rough at first but ran it up and down the street for a good amount of time, each pass the engine seemed to get faster and rev more crisp. I am thinking I need to rip into the carb again though, as 1st and 2nd gear has no power really, from 2nd to 3rd if you feather out the throttle it hits hard, if you pin the throttle it bogs down, the last 3 gears really do not do much as its not really getting up to speed.
Any ideas on that??

Thanks you guys for the wiring tips, you nailed it. :)

told ya so lol glad you got her running I:I
well i did once already. But I will do it again this weekend. How does the oil line come out of the carb, I was afraid to pull the black line too hard so I cleaned that part of the carb while on the bike but it was way to hard. After I get it running correctly I will be removing the TORS, will I need the removal kit and if so, who has it cheap??
the metal clip looks like a brass sleeve if I remember correctly. Does it just pull out or do I need to twist something or is that a brass nipple I am seeing and the rubber hose just slides over it?? And yes I said brass nipple I:I LOL