so i was riding and my blaster died thought i just fouled a plug so i got a new one still wont start and now it backfires every few kicks when i try to start it what do you think i should do next
I just dealt with this.
Heres what I did.
I took a digital multimeter to the orange wire on the coil while a buddy kicked it. I grounded the DMM to the black coil wire (bike chassis ground), and I unplugged the orange wire and connected my positive terminal to the side that comes from the bikes wiring harness (it comes off the CDI box).
I had my buddy kick the starter, and I was getting weak numbers (1-3 volts - should be closer to 12)
I then ohmed out the stator wires. Black and Black/Red is one side (primary coil) and White and Red/Black is the secondary.
My secondary coil was in spec, but the primary was out. I had suspected my stator was suspect when I got my bike (it didnt work when I got it), I had already bought one off someone on here. So, I ohmed out the new stator. Oddly enough the primary coil was on and the secondary coil was off but I threw it on anyway.
Bike fired up on the first kick after replacing the stator.
If your woodruff key was broken, your bike would make voltage, but it would make it at the wrong time, so the ignition timing would be out far enough to make it fire late or early. So, if you measure a decent voltage number at the coil on kicking it (remember, unplug the orange wire, and measure the side that comes from the CDI box, not the side that goes to the coil) its probably your woodruff key. If the voltage is LOW like mine was, its most likely your stator.
If your voltage is ON, and your woodruff key is GOOD, and you still cant get it to start, it could be your ignition coil, but word of note, I used the manual for troubleshooting on mine. It goes down this list. It says to replace anything out of spec. So it has you check all this shizz. It has you check the key switch, the main switch, the ignition coil (primary and secondary) then the Stator.
My ignition coil didnt test out properly, so I bought one from Yamaha and guess what LOL, the new coil didnt test out properly either, and they both work FINE.
So, beware of your manual readings. My new stator was off on the secondary coil and it works fine as well.
But if your issue is electrical related, Id just find the blaster manual and whoop out the digital multimeter and test on down the road. But Id post my findings here before I went and bought stuff, cause I bought EVERYTHING to replace stuff, and my issue was just my stator, even though Yamaha told me my coil was bad.
It is the rings, you can not make enough pressure kicking it but when you pull it you build up pressure fast and it will start and run but not for long them rings are junk. So get a compression gage an check the compression i bet it is low should be 100 to 130 psi. let me know.
idk i just got the top end done but im gonna check it anyways where do i get a compression checker the dealership or is it something autozone carries im gonna start rippin into it tommorow. im a little to frustrated with it tonite it is just one thing after another with this thing but i did notice it was easy to kick over i mean i could do it with my hand