Blaster won't rev high


New Member
Sep 2, 2024
Just picked up a blaster and got it running after a quick carb clean. But I can't get it to idle by itself and it won't rev up high if I give it some throttle. It basically stays at the same rpm from 1/4 throttle to full. Any ideas? Ps it has vforce reeds, lrd exhaust, and a fresh top end(according to previous owner).
I actually had a similar problem with mine a couple of months ago, I bought it non running and when I fixed it I would give it throttle but it wouldn’t rev and it even had some sort of knocking noise when I revved it. After tearing down the top end at least 3 times I made the conclusion that it was something electrical and it was. I think I replaced almost every electrical component, stator, flywheel, cdi, coil and it didn’t do anything. Basically one of the previous owners crossed some wires that shouldn’t have been crossed and it messed with spark timing somehow, I’m actually not sure which ones it were, cause there were a bunch of cutoff wires, like the brake sensor and tors and whatever else, it was somewhere under the hood. I think your having a problem similar to mine, I’m not saying it can’t be the carb or other stuff, but I think it’s spark timing, just check over all your wires and electrical stuff, idk let me know how it goes.
Hello once more, this time I have a definite answer for you. Almost 2 weeks ago I got me a blaster project, I just really like working on blasters. It came with all the parts needed to make it run so I put it together this saturday and when I went to start it for the first time, it ran fine. The next time I went to start it had the exact issue that you mentioned. Ive actually had this happen earlier this year to another blaster and it sort of just fixed itself on that one, but this time I found what caused the issue, its the parking break sensor, parking break has to be all the way disengaged and it should fix your issue. Sorry for writing you a whole essay but I just felt I had to explain everything. Hope this helps let me know how it goes, id really like to know if its the fix.