Blaster won't keep running.


New Member
Jun 8, 2010
Hi, recently, I've fully rebuilt my Blaster's engine. Right now, It's not working. It will start each time I kick it but stops right after. I've noticed there's a 1/4 in hole in the exhaust like 1 in right after the head. Is this my problem?
i dont know too much about blaster's or quads myself, i just bought one. I was told though cause i was worried about the slap sound that if my heads were indeed going id have problems starting it or keeping it running.

So maybe you just didn't do something proper during the rebuild process. Idk though man, wish i could help.
You shouldn't have a hole there plug it with jb weld have you cleaned the carb? Any modifications to the blaster? Before we can help we need some background information from you
It worked perfectly for 2 days after filling the hole with some Canadian Tire stuff but 2 days after same problem as before. Now I'm getting the exhaust welded.