blaster starting help help plz plz plz

If you own a "used Blaster" a leak test is the most important thing you can do. 2 stroke engines "must" be air tight. "MUST" I have 2 older ones and that test. Its the life blood of them. Once you do it and see what it does, it makes a world of sense. If not, you ride on borrowed time. From someone who has walked in your shoes.
Iuse whatever atv/motorcycle oil they had at Autozone. Valvolene I think. Both will say wet clutch compatible.
One is 10/40 other is 10/30, about $5.50 qt. Might find something cheaper at Wally World.

As to the Blaster, the youngest one is nine yrs old, nothing lasts for ever especially rubber (crank) seals. $20-30 for seals is good (and cheap) preventive maintenance.
As Blaaster would say "penny to a pinch" bet you still haven't done a leakdown test.
The b laster is currently standing waiting for a clutch kit.

I will definitely do a leak down test once the new clutch is in.

can. Anyone give me a raptor 660 owners manual?

please please please I need a rqptor owners manual.
