Blaster Problem


New Member
Jun 10, 2009
Hey well i have a 2001 blaster and everytime i go to turn it on it turns on but revs really high so im forced to shut it off, i checked the carb and tried to adjust the settings so it would rev lower but nothing seems to work and it jsut keeps reving, sometimes it will rev a lil less but still not low enough, so im lost on what i shoud do, jsut any help would be appreciated thx.
Have you checked the idle air screw on top of the carb you can sorta tune the idle thru that also look at your throttle cable and insure its not locking or binding possibly lube it while your working on it
ya i would bet money its sucking in air somewhere, check for leaks all the way from you intake tube to your reeds, and if theres no leak make sure you have gas in it, everytime mine runs out of gas it revs to the moon.
Could this be a TORS issue too? I thought I watched a video on youtube about somebody with the same problem and he just had to adjust the screw on the TORS and problem was solved. Don't flame me if I'm way off, I'm still a noob just trying to help out... ;)
thx but i jsut realized it could be sucking in air because where i have my reeds there are 2 screws that broke so there could be air getting in there... do you think that could do it?