Blaster General Maintenance


New Member
Sep 23, 2011
I have never had an ATV and know very little about them... I recently got a 1999 Blaster. It seems to run good, and seems strong. But I assume that the maintenance is not up on it. What should I do to catch the maintenance up? Sparkplug? oil? filters? Thanks.
Change the oil, check and clean air filter, new plug, check the color of your old plug , check it over real good to look for missing/ loose nits and bolts. Check all bearings, check your chain for wear and looseness. It would be well worth learning how to do plug chops and leakdown tests.
in my oppinion there are 3 important things to look at if you buy a blaster
1 piston
2 clutch basket
3 big end bearing

if your piston is worn it breaks and peaces of alluminium can make a hole in your cases seen it happen at least 4 times also if your clutch basket is worn it breaks in to peaces and again can make a hole in the case seen it more than 3 times

to check these things out you only have to buy 3 cheap gaskets
if you remove the cylinder you can check the piston wear and the bigend bearing and if you remove the cluch cover you can check on the wear of the cluch basket if it has deep dents where it touches the cluch plates it is worn
sorry i ment bought a blaster!!!!!!!
english is a bit harder for me bro not my first language;)
i've seen to much blaster engines get killed becouce of bad maintenence......
Tires, suspension, and brakes always come first for safety.... Use common sense, check bolts make sure they are tight, not stripped or missing. After that check the motor out like mentioned above...
Wow! You guys are very helpful! This is my first post on this site and all of this information is awesome. Thanks again!