Blaster forum logo?


New Member
Feb 6, 2008
scotland (UK)
Is there an actual blaster forum logo?

was thinking we should get one if theres not

for stickers etc


if theres not I can throw together a few ideas
yeh I am throwin a few together just now :) any preferences on what blaster I use?

I will use a stock one just now and we could maybe do a vote if everone is cool?

used paint and cool font

my photo shops ran out so sadly couldnt make it transparent or anything cool
times like this i wish i had photoshop
im thinking just the outline of a blaster against whatever colored background with a simple blasterforum underneath
that means the buyer of the sticker can chose what color he wants for he/she's blaster
looks good i was thinking of something like this, (just the quad) with B.F over it like the others
how about the outline of a badass blaster with writtin in some cool txt ill find the txt and post n a min ill make something up and post and yall can see if yall like it