Blaster Bottom end

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New Member
Jan 2, 2014
Hows it going I know my post count is low and I am unable to post in the wanted section but search my name username on and youll see I am not here to rip no one off

Well I have a customer who dropped off a blaster at my shop and he roasted the bottom end on his 2000... I am in need of a complete bottom end.... cash in hand... also willing to buy entire motor if price is right.. PM me

Thanks in advance
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Learn to read the rules and there would be no need to comment. Pay the 10 buck or build some rep.

well clearly I read the rules if I knew that my post count was too low.... but you call for 300 post to be considered a honorable and trust worthy guy... how does that prove anything? about how I would conduct business...

I don't need to answer every new thread I read with "good post, great idea" or anything else till I hit 300 and what did that prove? please explain the theory behind how that makes me a trust worthy buyer Id love to know I:I
sh*t if I go to page 2 of FOR SALE I see new threads from members with 6 posts... so me paying $10 does what exactly?
I don't make the rules. I do follow them though, clearly you don't. If you have read the rules and understand them why did you start the thread anyway? Pay the $10 or start posting. Pretty simple.

I understand you probably don't have a blaster and have no interest in becoming an active member. So you fell like you would be throwing away $10. These rules are in place because a lot of people got burned. The likelihood of somebody getting 300 posts just to get over on somebody is very small. However somebody trying to buy or sell on their first post increases the chances.
cleary your not a MOD but yet you state pple got burned well.... their is a very easy way to prevent such a problem like paying through sites that back the seller as well as the buyer "paypal" for instance would accommodate multiple pple in prevention of bad seller or buyers

but I guess if I just continue to argue with you then I could be at 300 in no time. since you have the answer to my questions with rational thoughts and facts..
sh*t ill buy a motor / bottom end from u if you have one ill even take the F'ing drive so I don't have to deal with the petty BS... I am just trying to take care of one of my customers and finding him something reliable and properly priced

Here's my ebay name (Rustoleum97) search that and look at my feedback not one NEGATIVE cause I have better sh*t to due rather than burn someone over 200 dollars... cause that worth the headache
Been all over ebay no bottom ends worth my time at this moment

so back to my original problem I need a bottom end and/or motor if anyone has one lying around CASH IN HAND need ASAP

Located in NY willing to drive if need be
although it would be nice to allow unqualified members to post in the wanted section, so our good standing, regular members could sale their goods.

a word of warning, and it has happened.................
the buyers paypal is linked to a credit card, the buyer does a chargeback months after receiving the goods. the CC company takes the $ back from the sellers paypal account, and the seller is out his goods and the $

so besides selling on here, buying is also limited by the rules...
pay the $10, or get the 300 posts needed. period.
it was a unanimous vote to implicate these rules, and ripoffs have dropped to all but none.

it also doesn't help, that your Ip comes back as a "suspected network sharing device"
and is listed on multiple spam blacklists :(

thread closed until you meet the requirements:

you can become supporting here:
Have you tried Craigslist? I mean there all over Craigslist, you can even buy Junkers for the right price.
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