blaster bogging out.


New Member
Aug 8, 2008
hi all. i asked this question few years back, bout last time i really messed with this bike. but i have a stock 03 blaster that will not run with the air box lid on. i can run the mixture screw in and out all way and no difference if the lid is on. the only answer i got last time was leave the lid off. thats not an option for me. its a stock bike should run fine with the lid on. any help is greatly appreciated.
clean your air filter and carb really well and then try again... be sure and take out each jet and airscrew and clean all the passageways. you should have no problems leaving the lid on. what mods do you have? stock carb?
everything is stock. carb has been cleaned, filter cleaned, stock jets everything. im not drilling holes in the lid shouldnt have to. the bike is stock, i just want it run like supposed to with the lid on. i can put the lid on and turn air mix screw all the in or out and no difference.