I was wondering If a blaster could compare to a 400ex honda. I am in a hitch of putting money into a blaster or just buying a used 400ex. can you make a blaster keep up or go faster than the honda? Thanks guys
my only experience with a 400ex was at busco, a 416cc, dual "looney tunes" exhaust and some other mods, very nicely built bike, holeshotmans buddy.
and he himself stated when riding with dualstroke and I, that he could not believe how quickly we pulled away from him in the trails, time and time again we were losing him, but i also remember him blowing by me at wot, 6th gear, on a long open run,
so blaster for trail quickness, and 400ex for over all speed
as for handling, i'd put my fully works suspended blaster, with real riding skills, up against any
the 400ex's may feel better handling to less experienced riders versus a stock suspended blaster, handling's not all machine, but more rider experience on said machine, get your ass moving and man handle it, not just sit there and expect the bike/suspension to do all the work..............IMO
tecate 4 is narrow. i think even more narrow than a blaster.
heres what a blaster is capable of with a skilled rider on it, against way bigger cc quads i'm sure .........................
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it also has a extended swing arm but doesn’t look like it will fit my hydraulic brakes on my other blaster.