Best goggles?

I really like my oakly's they have lasted for years of riding and the foam is nice and plush.

I seemed to have lost the pic I had of just the googles so theres this one..... I'll look for something better..

ive used scott, smith, dragon, thor, and progrips. the thors werent very nimpressive, the scotts were great i had them witht he rolloffs, im into a smith sponsorship now and they have been the best goggles ive worn, i run the fuel v.2s
my goggles are 5 years old lol its time for a new pair. my boots are also ripping apart(sucks because they arent cheap).
id go sidi with boots if you have the $$, i havent fond a more comfortable boot yet, ive tried sg12s and tech 10s but the sidis are outstanding
id go sidi with boots if you have the $$, i havent fond a more comfortable boot yet, ive tried sg12s and tech 10s but the sidis are outstanding

if you dont have the money i have shift combat boots and love em, very warm and comfortable. and with a price of $119.00 new for this years modle ya cant complain I:I
i run smiths year round.. i have a pair of dual lens ones i bought at a ski/sport shop for 35 for winter, and i have apair of smith single lens's for summer. comfortable and both work with my helmet good
ive got a set of spy goggles
awesome googles had them over a year now comfy and durable and in the cold weather we have in scotland they have never fogged up on me
I have a pair of smith and oakleys. i have the blue smiths that someone posted a link to. My oakleys look like the white ones that were posted only in a carbon fiber look. I like both of them alot. No tear or roll off for them. i have a fulmer helmet and they both fit good.