What would be the best front bumper to get for a blaster. Im likin some of DG's bumpers but want to know ur guys opinion on which is the best. Pics would be great! Thanks
i can atest that these dg bumpers, which appear to be thicker tubing, are tuff as all hell, heres a pic of one on my sons bike, that when i popped my goggles up, they were completely fogged, at night, before i could get them back down, i was already running off the road, into some huge ass rocks, crackin in 3rd or 4th gear
endo the quad, and flew like superman for about 30 feet, landing on my head, but the bumper took most of the hit, and broke a tierod end,
i heated this bumper for like 20 minutes, and beat on it with a sledge hammer, it wouldnt even budge back to straight, so bent it is, but took one helluva hit
dg's = tough as they come.......................
hey 79 bronco where did you get that last bumper the jaws one but its not like the regular jaws bumpers you see.. i love it