that is a round house swinger. it takes a different axle carrier than stock. but the roundhouse carriers are dualbearings so you have 4 axle bearings instead of 2. with grease fittings. but the carrier isn't cheap either.
Awesome Iv Just Posted A Thread Saying What Im Getting Done So Im Sure I Can Get Another Axle To Fit! Do You Get Better Handling With This? Also what axle fits just im making a list of things im getting done. @ Scotj77 it won't be stock for long im taking everything stock off it. check out my other thread with things im getting done .
Will Do Man Im Going To Be Spending Around £2000-£2400 On It Within 8 Months So Should Be Good At The End Will Be Updating My Albums In The Time Anyway Is there a axle for a blaster thats wider and would fit this? i said in the thread i just posted money isn't a issue so i can spend a good bit on parts. just can't wait to get money coming and get started!