banshee brakes???

im here dude, but have never done a hydraulic conversion, but if your talkin 'bout the threaded rod i think its adjustable, and i think its just a peice of 1/4" all thread, you can get that at any local hardware store, but i have seen a bunch of pics of different hydro set-ups, and have seen 'em mounted 10 ways till sunday, so no i dont think the mounting or rod have a specific measurement, just adjust that rod or get a longer one
for different mounting spots
A measurement does not do you any good.You need to get a shee master then extend your pedal with some metal,then make and mark a bracket for it where it is lined up.There is many ways to convert to shee hydros,all depends how much cash you got.
its all ready mounted but when i step on the pedal, i can put i to the floor,nothing happens,i can coust it forward and back with 1 hand, my dad said that the pistion on the left side isn't comming out, but on the right side its like almost touching it, but when i push the pedal down nothing happens, so i thing i need a whole new caliper or a pistion or pads idk and really arn't worried about it cause the front brakes stops you quicker then sh*t....and i mean fast.......
post or send me a pic of the master mounted and the caliper mounted.It will be easier to diagnose with the pic.
I would try bleeding the system. If that don't work pull the brake line off the caliper and hit the peddle and see if fluid is being pumped. If not it's your master cyl. that needs replaced. If the caliper is not leaking fluid all over the place it is most likely good.
hey dual, is like 10 at nite right now so tommarrow morning i will go and take a pic of it for you..


here is is if you can see it will get better ones tom.
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From that pic I can say that that is not a shee rear caliper.Looks more like a street bike caliper.I'll know more with closer pics.