bad stator


Oct 8, 2013
I found the problem with my blaster.i used a dmm to check the stator wires.between the red/black wire n ground i should of had a resistance value of 192-288 ohms.wht/red and ground should be wht/red had 19ohms and red/blk had no continuity.problem found
I found the problem with my blaster.i used a dmm to check the stator wires.between the red/black wire n ground i should of had a resistance value of 192-288 ohms.wht/red and ground should be wht/red had 19ohms and red/blk had no continuity.problem found

Thattl stop it everytime.:D
Yea it will lol....gotta question for you blaaster.could i take a stator coil off my banshee to replace my bad blaster one?
Ok thanx awk i didnt know if the individual coils would swap out on the stators between the blasty n shee

i guess they may, if physically the same size, bolt pattern and resistance ?
but i've never seen mention of it before.
I would buy new coils from Rickey stator. They are new and not very expensive to replace. A lot better than buying a used stator that may or may not work or last if it does.
Well im kinda low on funds and i just happen to have a banshee that needs almost a whole new if they swapped out i could "take from peter to pay paul".if not i found new complete assymblies on ebay for $48 shipped n have adjustable plates.