Anyone Else Workout?

dirtyblaster said:
try pulling your four-wheeler two miles lol!

OMG that reminds me...
Mine broke down last week (slack bold came out and bent in the chain) and I had to lift the back end up while pushing it!! maybe about 600 feet like that. It wasn't too bad, just aggravating.
damn that sucks, any way i forgot to menition i do not work as an employ my uncle owns the place where i am working with him, he pays me enough money for the job but when i ge told enough to actually get a job he said he will hire me. just saying in case people start going "you are too young to work!" because i'm not 16 yet and i have no ride except my 4 wheeler which is a pain in the but to take because i have to go through a lot of forest to get there.
Haha! I'd like to see some guy go to work every morning through the woods on his ATV with a lunchbox and all. I'd record his routine and put it on YouTube.
hmm i don't eat lunch at work i hust eat before i go and i use the four wheeler to get to a job, i have to use the woods becuz if a cop finds me on the road i'm screwed
nah the jobs only like 5 or 3 mins away but i don't want to take my bike becasue it is worth alot and i don't want it to get worn or have some guy steal it
well i would beable to tell if somebody is trying to steal my 4 wheeler, and nobody is dumb enough to try to steal a huge quad from a shop. and bout my dirt bike like i said i want to keep it new so i can get more money for it. biggest mistake i ever made was buying that dirt bike becasue they aren't as fun as quads, and i had a lot of problems with it. i think its a 2001 yz250f if i'm right. and it can't go through the trees that good becasue branches always get caught in soem thing, no offense agianst bike riders!
dirtyblaster quote
"well i would beable to tell if somebody is trying to steal my 4 wheeler, and nobody is dumb enough to try to steal a huge quad from a shop. and bout my dirt bike like i said i want to keep it new so i can get more money for it. biggest mistake i ever made was buying that dirt bike becasue they aren't as fun as quads, and i had a lot of problems with it. i think its a 2001 yz250f if i'm right. and it can't go through the trees that good becasue branches always get caught in soem thing, no offense agianst bike riders!"

yeah i dont like dirt bikes either, I had one for a while before i bought my quad