any snus users???

I smoked for 20 years and SNUS let me quit for several months now.
Bein I live by myself I smoked in my house, in bed, on the sh*tter- it was def a part of my life and hard to stop the habit.
I love the snus actually and it just might have saved my life.
My girlfriend loves that I don't smoke now although sometime I forget I have a pouch in which has been embarrassing like in a restaurant.
I did some research into it as well and it does seem to be ALMOST completely safe.
Hells I'm always pouchin now lol
Great thread 4cfed!
I'll have to look into the 'real stuff' right now I do the Camel thing.

try the dicreet snus that i posted you get a generous free sample and its alot better that that camel crap
Thanks for the link.
I'll give a review when the stuff comes.
BTW I get the Camel Frost for $1.79 a can where does it cost $7????
i dont get how you guys can get anything out of pouches in general. they dont make me feel any better at all, just a big pinch of manly stuff does that.
paulie.... here in wisconsin its 4 something for the 'trial can' with 12 in it and 6.89? for the normal 16 pouch.... i just picket up two cans of general snus mini mint and white portion wintergreen.. 6 bucks for two cans... i filled outt he dicreet snus one also...