another set of yfz/rappy heelgaurds


Staff member
Jan 30, 2009
got another set of brand new, unmolested, never ran, yfz/rappy style heelgaurds
this set came with the rappy700 my buddy bought 2 weeks ago

this is a pic of the set i traded to speedemon, but trust me, the set at my garage right now are just as clean and brand new, just need the dust wiped off

$50 shipped

pm me

how are theese not gone yet but i want another set for my red and white blaster but currently i'm brokespent it all on the last blasty
Would you ship to uk?

if you'd like to pay the extra shipping ???? then i would definately hook up a uk blaster bro

shipping the last set to speedemon was $12 +
so i can check the shipping to the UK and deduct that $12 that was already figured into the total price

but my suggestion is that if you really want them, to go ahead and pay the $50 now, then extra shipping when i can get to the post office on prolly tuesday and find out how much it is
they prolly won't last long

pm me for paypal info
well, Craigz from the UK asked about shipping them to the UK,
then signed off ????

still up for grabs, brand spankin new !!!!!!!!!!!
shameless bump again

will entertain trades also
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yes the bolt right on to the stock pegs and require 2 small brackets for the upper rear mounts, which i can make for ya if needed
fenders are not needed, i bolt these to the stock heelguard location on the shifter side and the fender mount on the right, < the higher mount works better on the kicker side and prevents sagging from kicking down on it while starting the bike

shifter side

kicker side...bolts at the lower fender mount but missing the bolt, took the pic during fabbing