another high revving problem.


New Member
Mar 25, 2009
Holly, MI
i took apart the carb. and cleaned it all up, i put a 220 jet in and put the needle on the second clip, one and a half turns on the air screw. after i put it all back together i started it only to have it rev out of control. i don't think there is any air leaks, and the bike was returned to stock that's why i put the 220 jet in, i think it has been bored slightly from a past rebuild, do you think i am running lean? i also wasn't sure if i hooked the floats up to the thingy quit right could that be the problem?
thanks bro i'll have to mess with the floats some more, i thought about getting one of those kits but everything looked good maybe i'll get one any way.
alright fellas i put a 230 jet in and moved the needle to the 3rd clip and it seemed to help a little but it's still revving like crazy, i spayed starter fluid all around the carb and boots and it never chnged the revs. i did notice that if i pulled the choke out half way it would bring the revs down to normal level, what do you guys think?
did you spray the stuff around the base gasket of the jug when it idles better when you pull the choke that means your running lean.
check to see if you throttle cable is free and not binding on anything or pulling out of the carb
sounds like a gummed up tors is making the slide stick also have you done an actual leakdown test or are you just guessing ?