4 stroke power.![]()
Yea right , I think that bike just made me fart......lol B) I bet I will make you change your pants right now .... TX2K11 - 1300-1500hp TT Lambo's, 300hp Busa, 1100hp Viper 1200hp Supra - Car Videos on StreetFire
you ever see this one .. I think he starts running from the cops and turns his light off Built go kart on the street - Car Videos on StreetFire
oh sh*t that cartvader is SICK!!! look how he was cruzzing the streets and the freeway! cops wouldnt dare chase that thing itll outrun anything. i wonder what kinda motor is in it looks like he was hitting like a good 75
i would love to have one of those! my friend has a cart and wants to buy my R6 motor for it and help him fab it on.. but its alotta work i already sold the ECU, and throttle asbmly and exhaust.. too much fabbn and $ for me to do but its def a sick ass project
Do those things actually hit 20,000RPM? I know they are up there, but 20K?
EDIT: Nevermind, I thought it was a 4 stroke.
my 600rr redlines at 17k, 180 mph not bad for a 600. the only thing that little bike would be good for is rippin around on the track and around town hitting the backroad twisties.