Hello I'm new to the forum. I just bought a blaster about a month ago, (always wanted a quad now figured time to get one.) The one I bought had a really badly frame repair job and had a hole in the piston. I got a good rolling chasis for the engine. This weekend got the cylinder all honed out and got a new pison in. Every thing was going good until I got it in the wheeler and started kicking. Tested the stator because it was getting weak spark turned out bad so put another one in. Now I have great spark but it is back firing and it will only start if I use a bit of starter fluid. I tryed ajusting the stator a couple times to get the timing right. I'm wondering if it could be caused by the tors unit or the cdi that it is backfiring. Also there is throttle lag when it runs it throttles up fine but when I let off it stays at high rpms for a second before dropping in rpms. The machine was kicked over without the spark plug grounded out I was told that can fry a cdi and stator. Is there any way to check to see it the timing is off? Or if the cdi is maybe sending spark when ever it wants rather then when it should? I have sheared 2 crank keys so far from back fires. Thanks. Sorry its so long. Ha ha