all kinds of issues


New Member
Apr 27, 2008
i just got this machine from a complete idiot. so far i had to rebuild the top end(.20 over now) and rewire the whole thing. he cut out the extra stuff(poorly) like the key switch , head and tail light and all the other switches that were unneccesary. the problem i have is overheating. i ride it around the back yard for 15 min. and the exhaust is glowing, fmf powercore 2,. a friend was using it the other day and it got so hot it was running with the kill switch off and the plug wire pulled. if anyone could lead me in any direction to start that would be great. i just want to ride this thing.
i think that to, but what can cause it. i dont know what the kid did to the machine other than the exhaust and reeds, maybe jetting?
with ur exhaust glowing red, i would think that if it is running lean it would have seized already, it almost sounds like u have a blokage in the exhaust, does the exhaust feel like it is free flowing out the silencer, has it been repacked lately?
im mixing my gas; 32 to 1. its got the blockoff injection kit. i dont think the exhaust is blocked, it blows a good amount of smoke, but only when it first starts up, then it piddles out to unnoticeable. where would i start looking for air leaks and how will i know if its been jetted
with ur exhaust glowing red, i would think that if it is running lean it would have seized already, it almost sounds like u have a blokage in the exhaust, does the exhaust feel like it is free flowing out the silencer, has it been repacked lately?

very good point!
spray some carb cleaner around the base of the cylinder, if there is an air leak u will hear ur idle go up, to check the jetting, remove the bowl from the bottom of the carb, there is a little hex headed brass jet, right in the middle of the carb , if it says 230 thats ur main jet which meanss the jetting was not changed!
one more question while im here. whats the thing on top of the carb and do i need it. i see it in pics of other carbs and not on mine, it looks like it has wires coming out of it
it needs to be jetted if ur running a pipe. check to see if the airbox lid was removed too. with pipe, reeds, and no airbox lid, i'd say start with a 310 then run it a little and check the plug.

i just can't believe it hasn't seized with how hot it's running. with all the beatin and holdin her wide open i've done to my blaster, i've never had a pipe glow...
its the right plug, i just changed it. the airbox lid is gone and it hasnt blown uo yet because i havent started in a week. after the possessing of the machine im a little weary of it. i did have it running once after the incident but only for about 5 minutes. when the weather clears up im gonna tear into it. thank you everyone
all right, i pulled the carb apart(it finnally stopped raining) and it has a 230 main jet. so i guess the kid never changed it. i just have to wait till the local shop opens again to get a 310 jet. thanks again to all.
well, got the carb back together. got it running again for about 10 minutes and then the motor came to a screeching hault. you guessed it...siezed... back to the drawing board