yeah, well you canuks can keep all that sh*t up there this year, delay sending any our way !!!!!
and i think that camera had digital image stabilization, making that whole ride look more stable than it was, including the landings
you guys must not winterize anything.. how about spend some money on easy stuff like skis and tracks for them blasters, then tell me if you should delay winter
I use sand tires in the snow and bald worn down treads for fronts. I'm not into the slednecks or Sno Ho's but every body else that wails by me house in the winter is. It sounds like fighter jets taking off most of the night B)
At 60 some odd days of over 100 I'll take winter as fast as it can get here!!!!! Nice video whitty. I have to drive ten hours or more to get to ski on some New Mexico snow.
yep, why the capital F, i'm still living in the snow belt, and these mountains, is beyond all logical reasoning, apparently i have frostbite on part of my brain, nuckin futs i tell ya