air scoops!!!

think ill make my own there is a diy about it look easy

did you ever bother to look and see who did that DIY? it was me. sure project blaster has a nice set of scoops. they also have machines that make them. mine are all hand made. if you dont like it, dont say anything. i dont come on your threads saying how i dont like your stuff. its personal opinion. i have sold no less than 6 sets of scoops to forum members, and all have be very pleased.

im not here to make money, i charge $50.00 to cover my product cost, and cost of shipping.

BTW your scoops should be there today or tomorrow.
got my air scoops in today got them just kinda sittin on there wanted to see how they looked 1st but i think they look sweet so im going back to the garage to bolt them up!!!I:I



looks great. glad you like them, and that was some fast shipping. BTW i mount the lower mounting brackets on the top of the lower portion of the scoop. its up to you really, but i found this way to be most secure.