I have a few friends that are firefighters. They do not like that job, they did at first but after seeing ppl burned to beds and dead body's they have pulled out of fires, even though they have saved lives, they are drinking now and are a bit messed up in the head. Home life with there wives is messed up and so forth. So if you chose this keep in mind you will also have to deal with not only the good but the bad as well. Also keep in mind the bigger the town the more fires... You'll have to be on call and or at the station 24- 36 hours or more depending on your stations work scheduled. Sleeping there away from your wife or family. So keep that in mind.
yeah mate i get you. i am thinking about my original root of a bike or quad mechanic if i don't get work on a farm by next march lol. erm but i thought i wanted to be rich have a nice house etc but after seeing some of my mates who i use to hang around with life don't always turn out how u want it. they have jobs they never thought they do or want. so im just going to finish my course once it starts and make my mind up at the end of it what i want to do. there is alot of jobs out there but i don't know where il end up but as my gran always says if it doesn't turn it how you want it. it wasn't ment for you. but im just looking for a job the now to put money away for my quad for next year . the pay isn't very great over here for my age but if it makes me happy then il do it