Added Bling to Awks GSXR rear Brake


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Mar 23, 2013
Collegeville, PA
Wanted to add some more *Bling* and decided that the GSXR used what they call Heel Guards (master cover) to the brake assembly so I made my own for me and a buddy and found a way to mount them up.

on the GSXR their master is just bolted threw and into the frame so the cover is sandwiched between simply, but running Awks conversion the master is flipped, a bracket is added and is a more "floating" design compared to GSXR giving the cover just a few more steps to mount so I figured I would just throw this up for the people that have this conversion and would like to run a cover.

I do have and can add hardware lengths and sized if needed, I have them written down, just don't have them right now at time of post

So heres the "Heel Guard" (cover), allen bolts with washers, allen bolt caps with flame, and Spacers

This is a shorter bolt for the existing bracket to master on conversion with washer, it is vital to have this bolt go about 3/4 way threw, not too much less or youll loose strength, not too much more or youll have no thread left for the cover to bolt from other side


here is the bracket bolted up, this part is the same process as not running a cover, now is a good time to bolt to frame, but for instructional purposes I left mine off for a few steps

as you can see on the other side I have some threadage left for my cover bolts, these bolts do not need a whole lot of threads since their is no stress or structure purpose for the cover, would be ideal to stay between 1/3 and 1/4 of threads of that of the bracket side bolts if that makes sense to anyone lol.

heres the cover bolts, washers, and caps. I am using allens because I like them and want to use caps, you can use what ever, they are long because we need to use a spacer between the cover and the master to make the cover float in a way above the contours of the master since it is flipped backwards to use for the conversion bracket system.

This is the cover I made, also made a red one for a friend. You can use any GSXR cover you wish to use this is just what I wanted and made to use. The washers I used were nylon that fit better, the ones I am using in this description are chrome to add looks which have a large center hole but once bolted up makes no difference

here is the allen threw cover and washer, doesn't look like much thread but theirs actually more than that once tightened in, also the chrome spacers I am using are larger than the nylons one I originally used. it is critical that it gets tightened down and that the bolt does not hit the bracket side bolts or the cover with be loose. If it does hit and is slightly loose you can add a washer or 2 between bolt and cover to pull threads back a little bit.



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Reactions: Maniacmotomouth
looks awesome and nice share:)
also like the effects on pics:eek:

Comming from you that means alot, i think often about wishing u were my neighbor n paying you for design work. All photos from my htc one using new versions effects, only bumber is phone got ran over day before causing camera to have an unclear photo, gets blurry shots here n their so off to get replacement, blurr pics arent too bad on pics i choose but others taken that day are bad
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Reactions: speedyslyder
cool man:)
taking pics is never easy, lighting ect.
i have dinosaur camera so your is probably better then mine.
making pics can be easier lol:D
also im on a labtop and use free programs cuz im cheap lol
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Have what done? I made the cover used in DIY. But it cost what ever you wish to spend on the "heel guards" stock and aftermarket ones run anywhere from $8-75 depending, average price $15ish for the stock slum ones.bolts, spacers, washers just a few more bucks depending how elaberate you want your hardware to get, the caps n chrome stuff i used in descrip was like $5 per bolt n cap lol pricey but worth it in the end result.
The cover? Thats actually liquid injection molded in blue. I do have a vendor that only charges $2 per part for anodizing if i give him a bulk batch, n the anodized clevis is from ZETA on ebay which was $25ish? Paul the owner specifically found one that would work on the GSXR master, ylanyone can message him n he would be happy to help, very very cool guy, and the brake line was anodized free with purchase pf CORE brake line
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anodizing seems surprisingly simple. there are just a lot of steps in the process.

i think i might look into it. i would love to do my car rims :rolleyes: but i wont pay to ship them just for that :p
I had a small set up, simple, lots of steps, problem was highly caustic, room tanks were in deteriorated badlyyyyy. No longer allowed to own a set up inanything i own aka wife owns