Thanks! They are actually all on trails in Wisconsin, The Snow on the blaster was in november over deer hunting, and the winter riding was 2 weeks ago. In duluth we just got 4 inches last night and are supposed to get close to 9 tomorrow night!nice man, those track pics look sick! and that must be the snow that we missed this weekend!! just north of us
Thanks, it looks pretty wide, but they are only +2 A-arms. The tires are ITP quadcross at all 4 corners.Nice ur i like how wide ur blaster is an them beadlocks are they procoss front tires or sumthn like that
They are pretty good, I went from bald stock tires to these so they were quite the improvement!looks good bro how do u like the tires
Shame on you for letting your Blaster sit outside in the snow.
your up in duluth? i thaught you were closer my way, and were supposed to get hit hard by that storm tomorrow into wensday
Well I live in Hastings, but go to school at UMD. Hopefully we get some snow out of this storm, I have heard up to 17 inches. Ill be happy if we even get half of that.
looks good man! looks like a lot of fun!
Thanks, Yeah its always fun riding in the snow.looks good man! looks like a lot of fun!
What ride, and where at? I don't get on here anymore...maybe we could get zmaro to come to the ride too, hes closer than me
Thanks, Yeah its always fun riding in the snow.
yeah it is man, i ride just about everyday here
What ride, and where at? I don't get on here anymore...
yeah i can tell lol, brando wants to have a ride for people around iowa and mn and such, down his way, in the summer. check out his thread under ATV trails
Checked it out, I may be in depending on what I'm doing for work this summer. After riding a couple weeks ago I really want to get some better shocks. I just don't wanna spend a ton of $ on it since I don't ride a ton anymore... sucks to be a poor college kid haha
let me know, still in the planning stages right now! trying to figure out where we're going and whatnot
Always liked your blaster, especially when you put those Arms on. Nice shots man, looking sick!
right now I think we're leaning towards bluff creek in Oskaloosa IA.
Bluffs Creek Terrain - Bussey Iowa - YouTube
Shame on you for letting your Blaster sit outside in the snow.