A couple of 2 stroke newbie questions


New Member
Mar 30, 2009
Hello everyone,
I just got my blaster back together the other day and its just about broke in. I installed a 240 bb kit and spent about 2 days cleaning EVERYTHING. My first question is this: How much vibration should be felt when sitting on the quad and reving it? Mine has a slight vibration in the upper RPMs. Nothing severe just enough to rattle a loose bolt or washer and jingle/buzz. I know that these things turn like 2 billion RPMs so if its an issue I dont want to run it like that and grenade the bottom end.

Question number 2 is this: How do you get it to idle? The adjustment screw on the TORS unit on top of the carb does NOTHING!! Even when turned lock to lock it doesnt do anything.Its the stock carb with the Vitos jets that came with the big bore kit. I am doing a 34 mm carb anyway so I dont care if the carb is no good but its definately NOT dirty. It has been completely cleaned inside and out. The reeds are still stock. If they are bad could that affect the idle? It also has a dead spot in the low RPMs. Its like when your riding it and you are decellerating it honestly sounds like you hit the off switch then if you give it throttle it goes "pop pop pop pop" then takes off hard core.
Anyway....any help would be great! Thanks
my none big bov with give the ball sack a nice massage in the higher rpm mange also!

and for idling, is the tors removed?? i know lot of ppl seem to have a problem idling with the tors removed, i have the wires to the thumb throttle cut ott at the throttle, and the wires to the box on the carb cut off and my idle screw on the tors still work
TORS is still on there but the screw just does nothing. I almost think that there is an open port on the carb sucking air or something but I plugged the oil injection and other than that I just see the 3 vent tubes??
well you need a new carb because stock carb does not work well with the 240bb, you need to get the 34mm, or 35mm airstryker, sell the stock carb for like 50 on here or ebay. are you on a budget? if not get the vf3's you won't be dissapointed, then get back to us on the tuning. stock reeds will work, but i def reccomend either stage 2 carbon flex or vf3's
Well I just bought an FMF fatty and silencer combo. With the addition of the FMF, 34mm carb, and a reed cage will it be a noticeable difference? Right now it kind of dies out on the top end and is real choppy on the bottom end. I was unable to do the break in procedure cause it wont idle but I did mix it a touch rich and sit on it and rev it enough to keep it running for a little while then let it cool then proceeded to ride it around a bit varying the rpm and staying under 60%. I have ran about a tank of fuel through it and now it still has great compression and pulls like hell in the mid range. Also how hot should the cylinder get when riding in 70 degree weather. Its hot to teh touch but it wont burn you. Is that ok?