98 blaster wont start

98 Blaster Guy

New Member
Jan 8, 2013
i have a 98 blaster this quad is new to me rode it fine for a few hours then it just quit i checked to see if it was getting gas and oil and it was i think the plug might be fouled any other sudgestion also it is leaking crank case oil heavyly from behind the front sprocket is it just a seel? is it hard to change?:-/
There is a shift rod seal there. Make sure there is no damage to the case. Sometimes the cases gets damaged from the chain flying off. I would fix the leak before worrying about it not starting.
change that plug, then i'd check the reeds next and report your findings here
okay how do u change the seal? and do u know the part number? i did change the plug and started on the first kick
There are a number of reasons a spark plug will foul.

Granny riding for a long period.

Excess oil in the mix.

Wrong 2 stroke oil, the oil needs to be for an air cooled motorcycle.

Jetting too rich.

Crank seals leaking allowing tranny oil into the crancase.

Poor electricals.